Open the lever chest in Torghast

In the game World of Warcraft there is a lever chest in the dungeon Torghast.

To open the chest, you have to go through all possible combinations and one combination opens the box. The 0 for lever is down and the 1 for lever is up.

Simply put, you have to go through all of the binary codes:


Too difficult to remember?

It is easier with this memory aid: >1, <2, repeat once
Again more precisely: >1, <2, >1, <2

Um, please?! Very easily:
The numbers (1 & 2) are the respective switches. It doesn't matter which switch you choose, you just have to remember the position. The brackets (< & >) are very important for the process and are placed on two switches.

In theory, this should even be possible across the board with all switch combinations.

Example of a sequence

The memory aid a little different: >3, <4, (>3, <4)

  • The numbers 3 and 4 stand for switches 3 and 4, respectively.
  • That means the bracket is on switches 1 and 2.
  • Each point in the bracket is a click.

Deciphered this means:

  1. From the first bracket ">", the switch sequence becomes: 121
  2. From 3, becomes the switch 3
  3. From the second bracket "<", the switch sequence becomes: 212
  4. From 4, becomes the switch 4
  5. Repeat once and all sequences are through

That is the switch order: 121 3, 212 4, 121 3, 212 4

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